Flower Power bags for fall, check them all!

This item does not talk about Flower Power bags in the "Hippie" time. In my blog post about Ibiza I already talked about that era. This time I want to talk about flowers and the power that they give to design bags and other fashion items. Flowers are a great inspiration for me and for many others! if you take a look at my flower board on Pinterest, you'll see I'm not the only one! Many designers use flowers in their creations.
When I began to make a collage I didn't know where to begin, there are so many examples. At least I came to this mood board with these great items. A special mention deserve Dolce & Gabbana, my favorites!


Happiness for fall

Flowers give you happiness! If it are roses which are most used in creations, tulips from Amsterdam, Chinese roses or big lily's, it doesn't matter. Flowers give you power! So do you want to be happy in fall, wear a flower dress, flower boots or a flower bag! You also can listen to the (old) hit of the Pointer Sisters. That's what directly comes into my mind when I say the word "happiness".


Catena design bags

For this autumn I designed some very special bags with flowers which are very suitable to give you a little power in these semi dark days for Christmas. Each Catena Bag is different, all are one of a kind of course.
And if you are looking for a unique present for the Holidays, for a birthday or something else, you surely will succeed with one of these bags. And it's possible to order a luxurious gift wrapping.
I think flowers never will be boring, they always will inspire me. And there are more creations with flowers, check them all here!


Thank you for reading, see you in the next blog post...

Alice Loopeker


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